'We Journey With Jesus Beside Us'


“Without Geography, you’re nowhere”




Our Geography curriculum is designed to ensure that our children are exposed to a wide range of geographical concepts and regions.  We aim to spark children’s curiosity about the wider world and stimulate an interest in the rich diversity of people and places across the globe.  We believe that geography provides a means of exploring, appreciating and understanding the world in which our children live at a local, national and global level. Our curriculum not only develops our pupils' geographical knowledge and skills, but also looks to broaden their cultural awareness and their appreciation of global issues. 



Based upon the National Curriculum and the individual needs of our children, we have created a Geography progression map, which sets out the objectives taught in each year group.  Geography is taught as part of our two-year cycle for each key stage.  Geography is taught each term for half a term alternating with History.   Lessons include content that is differentiated between and within year groups so that learning is age appropriate.  We review previous learning to help the children retain and build upon their knowledge and geographical concepts.  Learning is supported through engaging in enquiry, trips and local fieldwork to widen our children’s cultural experiences.  Maps and key vocabulary are displayed in classrooms with teachers encouraged to reference these during all lessons.  During lessons, gaps in understanding are established and planning is amended to address pupil misconceptions.  At the end of each unit of work, pupils’ learning is assessed through an end of unit assessment. 



The impact of our Geography curriculum is that pupils will have a growing knowledge of the world and their place in it.  They will have developed their geographical skills, such as evaluation, creativity and problem solving.  Through pupil voice and evidence in books, pupils will be able to engage in discussion and use geographical vocabulary accurately to express the skills and knowledge they have acquired.

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St Dunstan's RC Primary School

Bacup Street
M40 9HF

Head Teacher- Mrs Eccles
Enquiries - Mrs R. Ellison
Senco - Mrs G. Baker

T: 0161 681 5665

E: admin@st-dunstans.manchester.sch.uk

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